Quality Incorporations VII Ltd
2018. In our company, we’ve grown from 55 to 75 full-time employees in the last two years. We’ve made investments in new equipment, launched two new products and, hopefully, in the next few months, we’ll be launching two more. With this investment we made, we’re also expanding our lines and we have more investment geared towards our customer needs and demands. “The technology of making paper products doesn’t really change, drastically. It’s like saying, “Do you really want an Uber driver driving a Rolls Royce?” I don’t think that’s appropriate. Therefore, we have been focused more on “appropriate” technology for manufacturing. We have made some administrative adjustments, as well. Data drives a lot of business so, from an administrative perspective, we’ve created more linkages with technology and our people and our resources. Because 50 percent of business is inside the plant and 50 percent is outside, we’ve been working on bringing the two of them onto one common ground. “We don’t do online promotion, no website, no trade shows. We dig in, we fly to different countries, approach different territories with an open mind. With 50 percent of our staff on the QUAL I TY INCORPORAT IONS V I I LTD . Soon after, ICD Group Holdings Limited launched the ICD - I Can Donate - Relief Program to assist persons affected by the tragedy. A relief initiative, spearheaded by Krishna Vaswani, Managing Director at Quality Incorporations VII Ltd, began as a private sector venture to provide help to those in need. ICD joined the initiative in support of Vaswani and rallied staff and customers to donate to the cause. Vaswani recalls, “When Maria hit Dominica, it completely wiped out the island. I woke up one morning and set a personal goal to round up and work with my friends and colleagues within Jamaica to coordinate, collect, load, and ship $100,000 worth of emergency supplies. And I was blown away – it was actually $300,000 worth of products. We were able to send 3,000 cases of water and juice, tarpaulins, generators, food, medical supplies, tinned food. It started as a personal initiative and it was very successful… bless the people. You never know how important it is to help… after all, an entire country had been flattened.” I Can Donate - Relief Program - In the fall of 2017, the island of Dominica was ravaged by Hurricane Maria.
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