Edgewater Developmen Ltd
EDGEWATER DEVELOPMENT LTD able to get the materials for an extended period of time. So our biggest challenge is managing that aspect of it. “We do have a fairly good supply of labor here and we have the ability to bring in new residents under a work permit scheme. As long as our sector is strong, that’s one thing we get supported on. They do have to go into quarantine for two weeks in an approved facility when they arrive, but once you deal with that you can get people in to work.” BVC: What other projects are on the go? Bergstrom: “ At the same time we have our own development under construction, we’re executing a few other projects. We’re going to be building a new sports complex for the Catholic School of Cayman, which we’ve started on now. That new sports wing has an indoor basketball court with a gymnasium flexibility that will have indoor seating with bleachers for the kids, restroom pour the concrete in and the foam would be outside the concrete. This system that I’m using now, the foam will be inside the concrete. So it’s a reverse to the previous system. “It’s very exciting to have construction underway; obviously all my team are very happy to have that as a project that they’ll be working at for another two years on phase one and two years on phase two. Hopefully, they’ll run concurrently, so I’m looking for a three to three-and-a-half year build out.” BVC: What are your biggest challenges right now? Bergstrom: “Our biggest challenges are supply chain disruption and the associated costs. Because of the shutdown during the pandemic, the mills for a lot of commodities we use in construction were closed. That caused an immediate price increase but now we also have a supply chain issue where we may not even be
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