Puerto Rico Builders Association

PUERTO R I CO BUI LDERS ASSOC I AT ION In recent years, and as a consequence of several events, our main purpose has been redirected towards collaboration and the implementation of the lessons learned on resilient reconstruction after a natural disaster. In this context, we have maintained our commitment to serve our members by lobbying and educating them. As we prepare to celebrate 70 years of leading and promoting excellence in the construction industry on the island, like many other organizations around the world, at PRBA we have had to adapt to the new reality of doing business that the pandemic has brought. In this framework, our Board of Directors and the members of the different working committees have diligently overcome technological challenges to maintain an active profile advocating in different areas and fulfilling our mission. Amid the several lockdowns ordered by the local government, we procured to keep our educational program going by conducting over 10 online workshops to discuss important topics such as the CDBG-DR funds and the R3 program, among others. In terms of reconstruction, since 2017 after the ravage of hurricanes Irma and María, we have served as a liaison between government and industry leaders in a way to contribute to the process of accessing the much-needed federal funds destined for that purpose. Our association has been a protagonist in the discussion of important issues for the country, such as the allocation of CDBG-DR funds, the designation of Puerto Rico as an Opportunity Zone, the Chairman of the Board, Alfredo Martínez- Álvarez, Jr., (second from the left) participated in the inauguration of the Habitat Builds Puerto Rico construction lab. Alfredo Martínez- Álvarez, Jr, chairman of the board of the PRBA