Puerto Rico Builders Association

Although at the global level this pandemic has threatened the ease of doing business and put several projects on hold, and in turn, has put the island’s economic stability and progress at risk, the PRBA has managed to overcome all challenges and focus on serving its members by promoting initiatives aimed at safeguarding the interests of our members and the stability of the construction industry. In that direction, it is important to recognize that the reconstruction of our infrastructure is so necessary and on such a scale that we need to implement creative solutions that result in the achievement of the established goals by optimizing processes. That is why we have worked with the government, strengthening our relationship and contributing our experience regarding the approval of measures that can impact our industry and our fellow citizens. These include the following initiatives: 1. As a result of the hard work performed by our Housing Committee, the Puerto Rico Housing Department addressed the concerns and suggestions provided by our organization to simplify the design requirements and other dispositions of the Homebuyers Assistance Program under the CDBG-DR. 2. After more than a decade of efforts to modernize and update the Condominium Law, altogether with other private sector organizations, we succeeded by achieving the adoption of a new law. 3. Representatives of the PRBA actively participated in the discussion and public hearings at the Puerto Rico House of Representatives and Senate on issues that are considered a top priority for our association such as the Municipal Code, the amendments to the Internal Revenue Code, Construction Code, infrastructure, and permits. PUERTO R I CO BUI LDERS ASSOC I AT ION PRBA Board members met with the designated Secretary of State, Larry Seilhamer to broaden the discussion on topics related to construction and the need of housing in Puerto Rico. Alfredo Martínez- Álvarez, Jr., Chairman of the Board, joined by the Association’s vice president Arch. Vanessa de Mari, met with William Rodríguez-Rodríguez the designated secretary of the Housing Department to discuss alternatives to boost the reconstruction of Puerto Rico.