Business View Magazine
the region; and launch and expand initiatives to facili-
tate women-owned SMEs’ access to credit and other
financial services.
“They do wonderful work with women in third-world
countries, like ours,” she said. “I have been invited to
two international programs, in Chile and Argentina,
and they were very informative. I’m very grateful to
have been given the opportunity.”
The company’s chocolates mirror the products tradi-
tionally available in the Caribbean region before the
advent of mass-produced chocolate powders. When
that occurred, the traditional means of producing the
products were lost, and the younger generations are
now being reintroduced to the original flavor of hot
chocolate flavors.
“People really, really love that,” Saunders said. “Apart
from the fact that people are going all-natural or all-
organic, and this product is an all-natural product. This
is what, as a child, we knew.”
Saunders said people in her local community in Santa
Cruz participate weekly in the chocolate cafe where
they come together on Saturdays and drink tradition-
al cocoa tea, which is made from shaving the cocoa
pod and brewing the shavings into a beverage as well