Bahamas Contractors

THE BAHAMIAN CONTRACTORS’ ASSOCIATION T he Bahamian Contractors’ Association (BCA) is a non-profit,membership organization established in 1958,bya group of Bahami- an contractors who realized that collaboration and organization of contractors,as well as the adoption of regulation and good practices, were necessary to protect and pro- mote the advancement of the local construction industry. “It was a timewhen the union movement was prevalent in every aspect of Bahamian society,”ex- plains Leonard Sands,current Chair- man of the BCA.“It was all about themove to see if we could control more of our economyand com- mand our opportunities; whether it was in construction,finance,music –none of that was controlled by the Bahamas at the time; it was all THE BAHAMIAN CONTRACTORS’ ASSOCIATION LOBBYING FOR THE LOCALS AT A GLANCE THE BAHAMIAN CONTRACTORS’ ASSOCIATION WHAT: A membership organization representing the construction industry WHERE: The Bahamas WEBS ITE: www.bahamascontractors.o rg