
either a residential communityor commercial building.BMG thenmarkets these properties to its target market for sale or,in the case of its commer- cial properties,for rent.“We listen to themarket and we tryour best to deliver products that satisfy the market’s needs,such as affordable,amenity-rich, residential communities,”says Collie.“We do focus on condominiumdevelopment-that’s our niche. However,we’re also expanding our focusmore and more into commercial real estate development.We have approximatelyfive or sixcommercial proper- tiesunderourbelt,withmoreplanned inthe future. Theseproperties range fromabout4,900square feet to40,000square feet.Oncewe renovateor construct thesecommercial properties,we rent themout and continue tomanage themin-house.” BMG’s latest residential development isVenetian West,acollectionof contemporarycondominiumsand townhomes,nestled inthehighlydesirabledistrictof westernNewProvidence,stepsawayfromOldFortBay andother luxuriousaddresses.VenetianWest commu- nityspansa total of42acres.PhaseOneof thedevelop- ment,whichwas completed in early2017,included At Mackay & Moxey Attorney at Law & Notary, our firm culture and unwavering commitment to excellence provide legal representation that is practical, insightful and valuable for our clients. We are qualified attorneys who provide legal expertise that provide unique competitive advantages for our clients. We regularly act for a wide range of high net worth individuals, financial insti- tutions, leading commercial companies, both public and private. We are a full service law firm focusing on litigation, corporate/commercial law, real estate, mortgage enforcement, family law, and personal injury litigation. MACKAY & MOXEY ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY TEL: 242-322-7474/5 FAX: 242-322-2079 JAMESMOXEY@MACKAYMOXEY.COM THE BRICKELL MANAGEMENT GROUP AT A GLANCE THE BRICKELL MANAGEMENT GROUP WHAT: A progressive real estate company WHERE: New Providence Island, Bahamas WEBSITE: