M.S. Osborne Ltd.

cooperative) is our international partner, and with their assistance we have rebranded and enhanced our retail operation to achieve a new standard, in terms of appearance, product offering, and customer service. Even though we’re on a small island, we want our people to experience a great shopping environment.” Of MSO’s 34 employees, 10 have more than 20 years tenure, 7 have worked at the company for over 35 years, and they’ve all become part of the family. Osborne credits the loyalty of customers and employees for the ongoing success of the business. And while there are some competitors in the building materials and hardware sector, he claims, “We’re still Number One and we plan to stay there. Most of the construction on the island is residential. We deal with contractors and also homeowners. The customer range is wide. For the wholesale food division, our main customers are the supermarkets. We are also agents for Guardian General Insurance, the number-one general insurance company in the Caribbean.” M.S. Osborne Ltd. has a long history of philanthropy. A part of the budget every year is committed to helping out the community, and the phone often rings with groups requesting additional support. Generosity and giving will always be a big part of the Osborne family mission going forward. MSO also works with schools on the island by supporting initiatives such as sports programs and science fairs. In addition, each summer the company hires students for a six week employment stint through the Government’s Youth Department. left Shareholders from left to right: Lystra Osborne (wife of Bertrand Osborne), Kathleen Bahadur, Veda Bristol, Cedric Osborne