M.S. Osborne Ltd.

As for future goals, Osborne notes, “First, is to make best use of the space we currently own so that we can gradually expand existing lines of business and enter into new lines of business. We have confidence in Montserrat’s future and will strategically position ourselves to grow and diversify.” When it comes to succession, Osborne says, “The plan is to remain family-owned. There is no discussion about going public. We have one third-generation cousin involved in the business at management level, and the four Directors of the Board, who live abroad, are also third generation. When it comes to resilience, even though we’ve had to manage from a distance, we are confident that we will succeed. By getting our children involved, which will be necessary as we get older, we’ll try to maintain that family ownership, family operation, and leadership.” M.S. Osborne Ltd. is renowned for being an honest, PREFERRED VENDORS n Carib Brewery Ltd. www.caribbrewery.com Carib Lager Beer is deeply rooted in the way of life of the Caribbean people and with its uniquely refreshing thirst-quenching brew, it is the embodiment of the true Caribbean experience. Launched in 1950, this full-bodied, clear and refreshing larger is the flagship of Carib Brewery. It is the most widely distributed Caribbean brew and in just seven decades, has grown into a regional and international powerhouse. Carib Lager Beer, Mackeson Stout, Shandy Carib and Smalta are some of the many Carib Brewery brands distributed in Montserrat by our distribution partner, M.S. Osborne Limited.  n Unilever Carib www.unilever.com n Santainers Ltd. www.sanicuptt.com n National Canners Ltd. admin@nationalcanners.com high-integrity, family business and a strong supporter of the Montserrat community at large. Carol Osborne, wife of second-generation business stakeholder, Cedric Osborne, shares how island residents feel about companies like MSO and their importance to Montserrat: “One thing we hear a lot since we opened the branch in Salem, especially by the Montserratians that come and visit at Christmas time, is that they are inspired to come back. They are pleased to see that companies in Montserrat are planning to be here a long time. It gives them a feeling of confidence. And we see younger Montserratians, who left here 20 years ago when the volcano started, are now looking for a piece of property. Some of them have even started to build a home that they plan to retire to.” Bravo to M.S. Osborne Ltd, the beloved Osborne family, and the island of Montserrat – positivity and resilience at its very best! M. S . OSBORNE LTD . (MONTSERRAT ) 868-642-2640 admin@nat ionalcanners.com PROUD TO PARTNER WITH M.S. OSBORNE for over 10 years in Every Kitchen