Lifespan Company Limited

L I FESPAN COMPANY L IMI TED damage. It simply tastes better, as well. Should Lifespan become able to exploit all of the springs on its property, which can produce a total 5,500 gallons of water per minute, or 2.9 billion gallons per year, it could increase its production to 915 million 16.9 ounce cases, annually. The maximum potential revenue from all its springs could then approach $US6.7 billion per year, which would make the company, far and away, the largest high- quality, natural alkaline spring water bottler in the western hemisphere, and ten times bigger than world-leading Fiji. So far, though, that extensive exploitation has not occurred. “We’re not anywhere where we can actually maximize our capacity,” admits Williams. “It’s a matter of growing into that space to mine the water that we have available to us.” Meanwhile, General Manager, Rodney Davis reports that the company has continued to grow over the last few years, and he cites some