Kerick Farquharson Customs Broker

KER I CK FARQUHARSON CUSTOMS BROKER That’s one of the challenges we’re going to be facing moving forward. The Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of Jamaica do internal training but it’s participatory – you’re not tested for performance, you receive a certificate for attendance. Once they get their license, persons can get complacent. I think you should be graded after the training and possibly be retrained if needed. And that is not currently taking place.” BVC: What are the most important points you’d like to share about Kerick Farquharson Customs Broker? Farquharson: “My passion comes from my continued close relationship with Customs and I have to represent them the best I can. Which means discussing the lack of knowledge of the system and of the responsibilities and the duties of a licensed Customs broker. I think many persons with brokerage licenses don’t Documents beings handed over to Kerick Farquharson by Customs Broker Clerk Sandria White. ASYCUDA platform used for Cargo Clearance in Jamaica