Pennywise Cometics Ltd

PENNYWI SE COSMET I CS LTD and we try to impart them to the staff but at the same time we realize that we need to upgrade and update, too. Simple things, such as the checkout system. Computerized barcode scanning was only implemented in 2013. Before that they had old-time cash registers where you had to type in the price of every item. Since then, we’ve been gradually improving systems and processes. In the pharmacies, all the stock is managed by computers and we are hoping to expand into ecommerce as well, because we see that the future of shopping is online. That’s not the case in Trinidad yet, but we don’t want to wait until it happens to implement that aspect. So it’s something we have planned for the near future.” As for more expansion, it is always up for discussion but they are being cautious not to overstep in that regard. Shivum acknowledges, “Guyana is a huge market in the Caribbean right now, so we’re obviously thinking about it but my dad always says the reason they got