11 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 PREFERRED VENDORS/PARTNERS n Guardian Life Limited www.myguardiangroup.com n Glastonbury Purveyor Company www.gpcjm.org We also plan to create a framework to invite investors to establish cool and dry storage facilities island- wide. If we’re to achieve food security, we must be able to produce and store the surplus for future use. Providing a more reliable and modern tractor fleet for each parish is also on the cards, besides further enhancing the marketing and distribution of crops. We also plan to entice more people to farm, especially the youth, women, and people with disabilities. Doing so can add many people to the farming industry in different capacities. RADA also plans to set up small backyard gardens and livestock kits to help these new groups participate in production. Part of this mobilization is done through partnerships with NGOs like Youth for the Future, targeting inner- city youths and introducing them to modern farming methods like cosmetic fish farming and hydroponics. To increase our water harvesting capabilities. Business View Magazine: Before we wind up, what unique qualities do you bring to your position that you think have helped you steer RADA to its current heights? Winston Simpson: I want to lead RADA in such a way that it becomes a model for the youth and other organizations in Jamaica. To build and provide a foundation and template that future generations can build upon to guarantee that my country, Jamaica, can feed itself and store enough to export to other nations.