7 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 So much so that we have a constant stream of vendors interested in working with RADA due to our position as a go-between between farmers and vendors, a role we are happy to play. A significant driver of this interest is that we have set standards that attract other companies with similar excellent standards. For instance, we have achieved ISO 9001:2015 oh 9 to 2015 certification. Some companies we work with that utilize similar standards are H&L Agro, Hi-Pro Stores, Marathon Insurance Brokers, Guardian Life Insurance, Digicel Jamaica, Kingston Industrial Garage, and many others. Especially noteworthy when it comes to our valued working relationships, I would point out our vital partnership with Glastonbury Purveyor Company, a long standing partner to RADA whom has played a crucial role in curtailing the effects of supply chain disruptions. We worked especially closely with them during the pandemic and today they remain an instrumental partner of ours on current and planned projects.