Turks and Caicos Airport
14 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 projects in the pipeline, but beyond that, what would you identify as your top objectives moving into 2023 and beyond? Godfrey Smith: Besides infrastructure critical for the island’s economic well-being, we also emphasize people development and succession planning. I’ve been in this role for around twelve months, and part of my mandate is to replace myself. This approach has been my style in the CEO roles I have served in. It is one of the most important things a CEO must do. I am also incredibly proud of the team we have built, most of whom are local islanders like the deputy CEOs, legal counsel, the CFO, besides a very competent senior management team. Building such a team is what will help the authority navigate through what will be a very complex building program. With the groundwork we have put in place regarding talent, I am confident the authority will have sound management for the long term. Although we will bring in outside help as needed, our institutional knowledge and ideology will remain in-house, providing a base for a long and prosperous future. TURKS AND CA I COS I SLANDS A I RPORT AUTHOR I TY
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