Turks and Caicos Office of the Premier

X BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 to fill middle management, technological, and scientific fields the most. In generations past, the island nation lost a lot of people to emigration. “Turks and Caicos have a very large diaspora, with many people moving to neighboring countries and throughout the USA, as well as the rest of the world. We’re now setting up a diaspora program to attract the offspring of those locals back,” says Premier Misick. Another strategy the country is rolling out to combat the global issue of skilled labor shortages is through project management and employing virtual employees. By recruiting virtually, the government can give special attention to critical deliverables and reduce the cost of services rendered. As the environment is vital to the nation’s future, the first step taken by the government is to map the entire territory and identify zones for tourism, industry, agriculture, and more. The Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) has been extremely successful. The DECR is responsible for the management of terrestrial and marine protected areas, wildlife, climate change; and all natural resources are managed in a sustainable manner. The UK has provided significant assistance to the Turks and Caicos Islands through the Darwin plus grant system, Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) and most recently the Blue Belt Programme. The DECR’s major focus is balancing the sustainable use of the environment with the ever-present demand for economic growth. Turks and Caicos Islands are also in the process of upgrading affordable housing on the island and ensuring that these communities are safe while sticking with the sustainability program. “We’re working on all these areas to make TURKS AND CA I COS OFF I CE OF THE PREMI ERE