Business View Caribbean
Arima still remains a town of great historical and cul-
tural significance. It is the official home of the First
Peoples of Trinidad. It hosts an annual Borough Day
anniversary celebration every August, which incorpo-
rates Carnival-style street parades and usually coin-
cides with the staging of the Santa Rosa Carib Com-
munity annual festival. The annual Arima Carnival
includes street parades of masqueraders on Carnival
Tuesday, J’ouvert bands on Carnival Monday, as well
as a local calypso competition.
Arima also plays an important role for North Eastern
Trinidad, as it is a Multi-Modal transportation hub for
many nearby towns and neighborhoods. The main
international and domestic airport serving Arima is
Piarco International Airport, commonly referred to as
the Port of Spain International Airport, which offers In-
ternational flights to cities in Europe, South America,
North America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Almost all the land in the municipality is under built
development, with a small forested area in the north-
west and some small-scale agriculture in the vicinity
of the Arima River in the east. Office activities, as well
as retail and wholesale trade is concentrated in the
central core, while light manufacturing and warehous-
ing takes place in the O’Meara Industrial Estate in the
city’s southwest region. The Princess Royal Park is a
major open space feature in the town core, and the
remainder of the town is filled with housing and com-
munity amenities.
The Mayor of Arima is George Hadeed. He is one of
Arima, Trinidad
A borough of 41,000
East Trinidad