Home of tHe brand The premiere seafood provider in Barbados 31 Warrens Industrial Park, St. michael 1-246-425-fISH (3474) it is unexpected. Long-term business relationships are also key to the successful operation of the resort. Travel partners in the U.K. are very important from the revenue side. These include Faraway Places, Thomson Holidays, Virgin Vacations, British Air- ways (BA Vacations), Saga Holidays, and Tropical Skies. Online, The Club uses and Expedia. And, it depends on a great relationship with Trip Advisor to monitor customer scores from an online rating perspective. BTMI (Barba- dos Tourism Marketing Inc.) is a national orga- nization promoting Barbados. The Club Barba- dos partners with them to bring Travel Industry fam-trip to the island. Zephirin sums up the Club Barbados Resort & Spa experience as one of reconnection with people you know and who know you. “People come here to relax and find themselves again; to have a carefree, tranquil experience.We are right on the ocean; we don’t have a beach in front of the hotel, but we have a beach terrace that overlooks the ocean. My guests tell me when they think about the experience here, it encourages them to forget their normal activ- ities and concerns back home, and just escape from reality.We specialize in individualized service, which might seem non-unique, but our employees have been here for quite some time – several for 12 or 13 years. They know a lot of THE CLUB BARBADOS RESORT & SPA guests as personal friends; friends who book di- rectly with them and call them, personally, when returning. After all they are coming back home to family - their Club Family!” The General Manager concludes by indicat- ing that “the number Two thing people should know about our property is the Cozy nature of the facility, as one guest puts it: ‘I take one step from my room and I am in the pool, another step and I am on the Beach Terrace, another step and I am either at a bar or in the Spa.’ However, the number One thing you should remember about The Club is that it does not have 168 permanent employees but 168 hosts anxious to warmly welcome you back home! Like Heather Hinds , Grill Cook, who won the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) Outstanding Employ- ee of the Year 2016, who runs her own Reserva- tions Department, grill-side, for the convenience of guests who prefer to book with “family” than through the traditional channels.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Ocean Fisheries
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