Business View Caribbean
sector in Barbados was very much a trading operation.
Employing the concept of “comparative advantage,”
the government and the country’s mercantile class
were content to import most food products and resell
them, as that was the most advantageous way of do-
ing business. Barbados was more actively pursuing
tourism and financial services – sectors in which it had
a comparative advantage over other locales.
That all changed in 2008. “Then came the financial
crisis and commodity prices became very expensive,”
says Tudor. “And there was a complete reversal. All of
a sudden, there became a significant and strong fo-
cus on food security for the country. And the emphasis
was once again put back on this agency to deliver it.”
Thus, over the last several years, BADMC has been re-
building and rebranding itself in terms of the services
it offers. Its aim is to help transform and reposition
the agricultural sector in Barbados with particular at-
tention being paid to the effective use of resources,
as well as the adoption of appropriate technology and
sound management practices, in order to achieve in-
ternationally competitive production, processing, and
Barbados Agricultural Development and
Marketing Corporation
A statutory corporation of the Ministry of
Christ Church, Barbados