BSI Services (Trinidad) Limited
Business View Caribbean 5 Isotech uses CARBER® tools, who became a company in the 1990s when they invented and patented some services that revolutionize the way piping tie-ins are performed. Our system of technologies eliminates the need to get lines 100% LEL/gas free in order to perform hot work on them; as well, our technologies keep you from needing to perform extensive cleaning & blinding, scaffold building, and full line-filled hydro’s, plus much more, during your projects. We can hydro a 102” weld with only ½-gallon (1.9 liters) of water, without filling the entire line or system! In essence, we assist you in being able to perform your tie-ins surgically. CARBER®’s technologies are perfect for maintenance/repair/revamp jobs where new tees, elbows, branch welds, breakout flanges, etc… are needed, especially in making tie-ins. In fact, we can isolate and test in and through long radius elbows and tees that are 6” or larger in diameter. Because we use such little medium (a 72” weld uses a total of 1/3 gallon / 102” uses ½-gallon) in our isolations and tests, we can use water, peanut oil, glycol, mineral oil, motor oil, nitrogen, etc… If you system is water-sensitive, we can even circulate nitrogen around our tool to dry out any moisture in the line before we break the seals of the tool. This is perfect for refrigeration lines, hydrogen lines, acid lines, compressor systems, and more! ISOTECH LTD WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: n Contribute to a Safer and More Simplified Way of Executing work at Tie-points / Work-points n Reduce the Overall Cost of this Work n Contribute to Shortening Your Schedule Associated with this Work n Reduces Risk due to the elimination of a multitude of tasks traditionally associated with this type of work n Reduce the environmental impact of your project (not opening up leak-tight flanges to install blinds; not filling entire lines with water) 29A Harmony Hall / Gasparillo, Trinidad, W.I. Mr. Navin Bissoon / 868-703-2383 / 7032352 / Office: 868-271-1982 | ONLINE: CARBER.COM ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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