E.H. Charles & Co. Ltd.
4 Business View Caribbean Paints, one of the world’s most renowned brands of paints and coatings. The company’s services also in- clude glass and mirror cutting, and rip and cross-cut- ting of wood. E.H. Charles & Co. has five locations - the headquar- ters and retail hardware business are located in Ro- seau, Dominica. Warehouses and storage depots are at Picard and River Estates. Charles says that he is considering an expansion of the business, but be- cause Dominica is a relatively small island, he wants to be very careful about how he goes about developing the company, further. “The island has a small popula- tion and limited resources,” he says. “We can’t afford to expand beyond the ability that the country can of- fer.” Meanwhile, E.H. Charles & Co. Ltd. will continue to ably and conscientiously serve its customers, and the Dominican public, as it has done for almost half a cen- tury. “We give quality service to our clients,” Charles declares. “We give them a good product; we find the best product for their uses and we give them good de- livery for their projects.” W W W . M O S Q U I T N O C A R I B B E A N . C O M MosquitNo ® is a Dutch company and has become an innovative worldwide brand serving its customers in more than 85 countries! MosquitNo offers a new way of protection by offering more user-friendly products with the common feature of protection against mosquitoes and other insects. MosquitNo products have a proven effectiveness, are safe for children and are 100% DEET free. Distributorship opportunities available. Call us today 786-602-0748 (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # Th www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors The Supply House, Inc (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors The Supply House, Inc (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # The Supply House, Inc of Miami congratulates b iness partner EH CHARLES & CO on this much deserved recognition. www.the upplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors Tarpaulins The Supply House, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2014 (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # The Supply House, Inc of Miami congratulates business partner EH CHARLES & CO on this much deserved recognition. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors Tarpaulins The Supply House, Inc (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # The S upply House, EH CHARLES www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors The Supply House, Inc (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # The Sup EH www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.c m Fiberglass Doors The Supply House, Inc (VendorLogo) Phone # Fax# TheSupplyHouse, Inc ofMiami congratulates business partner EHCHARLES&COon thismuchdeserved recognition. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami,Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpaulins TheSupplyHouse, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2014 (VendorLogo) Phone # Fax# TheSupplyHouse, Inc ofMiami congratulates business partner EHCHARLES&CO on thismuchdeserved recognition. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, l 33166 305-883-2131 xt:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpaulins TheSupplyHouse, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2014 (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax# The SupplyH ouse, Inc of M EH CHA RLES & CO on www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors T The Supply House, Inc (VendorLogo) Phone # Fax# TheSupplyHouse, Inc ofMiami congratulates business p artner EHCHARLES&COon thismuch deserved recogniti on. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami,Fl 33166 305-883-2131ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpaulins TheSupplyHouse, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2 (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax# TheSupplyHouse, Inc ofMiami c ongratulates bus EHCHARLES&COon thism uchdeserved re www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami,Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpau lins TheSupplyHouse, Inc (VendorLogo) Phone # Fax# TheS pplyHouse, Inc ofMiami c n ratulates business partner EHCHARLES&CO on thismuch deserved recognition. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami,Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpaulins TheSupplyHouse, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2014 (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax # The Supply House, Inc of Miami congratulates business pa rtner EH CHARLES & CO on this much deserved recognition . www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami, Fl 33166 305-883-2131 ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204 NW 79th Terrace www.Mosquitnocaribbean.com Fiberglass Doors Tarpaulins The Supply House, Inc (Vendor Logo) Phone # Fax# TheSupplyHouse, Inc ofMiami congratulates business partner EHCHARLES&CO on thismuch deserved recognition. www.thesupplyhouse.us Miami,Fl 33166 305-883-2131ext:110 305-888-8290 francisco@thesupplyhouse.us 7204NW 79thTerrace www Mosquitnocaribbean.com FiberglassDoors Tarpaulins TheSupplyHouse, Inc Version 2.0 - 1/2014
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