The Grenada Postal Corporation

office were part of Granada’s National Budget. Its new mandate it to make the post office a profitable enterprise, on its own. “There is no subvention from the government,” says Stephen. All capital investments must come from the corporation’s operating funds and at the end of every fiscal year, it needs to be held accountable for its expenses. In order to move the Postal Corporation’s finances into the black, Stephen says that its structure had to be reorganized. Its staff of 147 was first cut back to 97 employees, and this past September, another 37 workers were let go. In addition, new profit- making services are being instituted, including e-banking, and e-money transactions – part of an upgrade of the corporation’s information and communications technology infrastructure. “The government intends to revolutionize the postal service by using a lot of ICT,” Stephen says. “It is going to have a revolutionized mechanism in place within the next 18 months. We are implementing new ICT software for tracking and identifying new locations. So, new personnel must be trained in the THE GRENADA POSTAL CORPORAT ION