The Grenada Postal Corporation
they are paying for it.” A four million dollar loan from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and other lending institutions, as well as a renegotiation of its debt, incurred over previous administrations, has helped the Postal Corporation reorganize and restructure itself. But cutting staff, reducing wages, reducing energy costs, using less paper, etc., have also helped it turn a profit for the first time in years. “We are having a net profit that averages over $100,000 a month,” says Stephen. “So we are already in the black.” “The government has taken a bold step to reform an institution which has been failing financially and was not providing a reliable service to improve the welfare of Grenadian citizens,” he says, summing up the repurposing of the Grenada Postal Corporation. “We want to make sure that we have an institution that can compete with the private sector in terms of delivery of service; we want to make sure that our workers have the capacity to be adaptable to any changes taking place within the courier system sector; and, finally, we are looking to the post office as a bridge to all key economic sectors and a place to help increase growth and production within the state. These are the three key endeavors the post office will be looking for within the short and medium term.” PREFERRED VENDORS n NEWIM Life & General Assurance Co. Ltd. n NAHC Service Station station/333477423653044
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