Business View Caribbean
Increasing the company’s product portfolio is one
of Quality’s main goals. “Currently, we have five key
products,” says Vaswani. “We started making toilet
paper and within a twelve-year period, we’re now do-
ing industrial hand towels, industrial tee-shirts, paper
napkins, and kitchen towels. So, we’ve grown the line
and continue to expand and work with our customers
to see what they require.” The company’s output has
increased from an initial 10 tons per month, to over
200 tons of product, monthly. “We’re number one in
Jamaica; we’re between number two and three in the
Caribbean,” he adds. “Determination, drive, focus, ap-
propriate business principles, and a very dedicated
team have allowed us to push our limits, grow our mar-
ket, and work with our suppliers.”
Vaswani believes that in addition to supplying a nec-
essary product at competitive prices, Quality is help-
ing the Jamaican economy by providing jobs. “This is
a Jamaican-made product,” he declares. “That means
a lot to a lot of people who didn’t have a job before,
who are young, who are willing and able.” And those
workers are perfecting skills and helping to drive the
country’s productive sector with technological innova-
tions. “As simple as some people make it out to be,
toilet paper is highly technical to produce. Our plant
is fully automated and we continuously strive to keep
these machines up, to keep them going, keep them
serviced, and keep them maintained.”
And Vaswani, himself, feels that he has found a happy
niche in his home country. “I moved back to Jamaica
with the goal of being a producer and it worked out
beautifully,” he says. “When you’re creating some-
thing, there’s no greater joy. When these machines are
running, it keeps your heart going.”
Wincorp International
- Founded in 1987, Wincorp In-
ternational offers the following services and supplies