CSS Group

THE CCS GROUP cable,carrier gradewireless point-to-point backhaul systems,LTE and carrier gradeWiFi solutions.The networking probably transformed themost because it transformed into not just enterprise networking but carrier services networking,as well as server storage and virtualization,Microsoft services,and application development.So,we’ve expanded to become an all-inclusive company that has solutions for everything from the cloud to the keyboard.Our keys pillars within the organization are still structured cabling,enterprise networking,server storage virtualization,application development,collaboration and unified communica- tions,and service provider infrastructure.” Today,the CCS Group has approximately45 em- ployees whoworkout of the company’s head office in Bermuda and branch office in Lisbon,Portugal.Its footprint extends tomost of Europe,parts of Africa and all of the English speaking Caribbean.“In Bermu- da,our largest vertical is financial services,sowe deal with all the big banks; weworkwith almost all of the reinsurance companies; we deal with hedge funds; we deal with prettymuch everything around the finan- cial services industryand that is our biggest revenue generator. “In Europe,we also have some financial services customers; most of those customers actuallyhave a presence in Bermuda,already,andwe’ve been able to extend our service to their European branch offices. However,in Portugal,we havemost of our workwithin the service providers: large ISPs and cellular providers. In the English speaking Caribbean,it’s kind of amixed bag.We do a lot of financial services stuff,but we have had some success with service providers,as well.The goal in five years would be to expand outside of our key jurisdictions,sowhilewe do serve the English speaking Caribbean and Europe,80 percent of our revenue still comes fromBermuda.That’s not a great strategy for diversification,sowe are betting heavilyon Europe andwe are betting heavilyon expanding our footprint into the English speaking Caribbean.” In a competitivemarketplace Logan believes that the CCS Group differentiates itself bydelivering real value to its customers.He explains,“In everything that we do and every solution that we endorse,we try to look at solutions that allowour customers to domorewith less.If you lookat some of themarkets that we serve, like Bermuda,and Cayman,and other tax-optimized jurisdictions,you typicallyfind that companies have some common challenges.Usually space is at a pre- mium–square footage is very,veryexpensive; usually talent acquisition is verydifficult because theycome fromcountries with small populations where a lot of themore advanced skills have to be imported; typical- ly,electricity is a verycompelling factor–consuming lots of electricity translates into a lot of expense; and usually,they’re businesses that,despite being in small- er jurisdictions like Bermuda,they still have the same requirements as some of the very large,veryadvanced organizations in London,NewYork,or Toronto. “So,whenwe’re investing in a solution,we really try