Premier of Bermuda

BVM: Can you sum up what you hope to accom- plish over those five years? Burt: “That we have a reformed and more fair tax system that makes Bermuda more competitive globally and is more fair locally; that we make sure that we provide economic diversification in Bermuda,with more diversified industries such as a technology hub; that we reform our education system to make sure that it has the confidence of our students and parents, and also delivers bet- ter results for a changing economy; that we have additional tourismdevelopment ensuring that we continue to be amajor player; and to be in a lot better placewhen it comes to energy–more energy independence and,without question,to fulfill the initiatives to ensure that Bermuda is doing amuch better job on the renewable side and taking care of our environment. “Wewill fullyengage in our relations with our CARICOMpartners–Bermuda has an associate membership in CARICOMand I’m looking forward to attending the CARICOMheads of government meeting next year tomake sure that our neighbors are familiar with us andwe continue to be familiar with them.I want themknowthat Bermuda is a partner,going forward,in issues that are important to our region,whether it’s issues of climate change, or trade,or fairness,andwe alsowant to ensure that Bermuda sets an example for leading small island jurisdictions as an efficient and transparent govern- ment that is going to use technology to benefit the masses.And that’s themessagewhichwewill bring. DAVID BURT – PREMIER OF BERMUDA “The final thing–although Bermuda has a very wealthy economy,we have our own unique social challenges.By the end of a five year periodwe hope to have addressed those challenges,such as dealing with the cost of living and bringing it down.And also making sure,froma social aspect,that we strengthen some our social institutions,i.e.our communityclubs and organizations,making sure that theyare able to provide for the communities they serve.” BVM: Anyfinal messages for our readers? Burt: “Themessage is that Bermuda is open for business; wewelcome business coming here.We want tomaintain our reputation as awell-regarded, international finance jurisdiction andwe’re going to continue to burnish our credentials in that regard.We want tomake sure that peoplewho are looking for a place to do business can find a home in Bermuda; that theycan establish and growtheir business here, find awealth of talentedworkers,and to continue to growand prosper to sell their products and services to theworld. “We have an incredible opportunity to rewrite Bermuda’s storyand that’s what our teamof 10 cabinet ministers,24Members of Parliament,and five senators-a teamof 29 is going to be focusing on: transforming our economy.We are all committed to bringing changes which will benefit the citizens who voted for us, but we’ll also grow our econo- my and increase the size of the economic pie so that all persons can share in Bermuda’s prosperity, going forward.”