Premier of Bermuda

laws. Bermuda’s system of government, however, is unique because we are still not an independent country; we are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, so we do have a governor here who retains some powers: external affairs and internal security.” BVM: What was your campaign platform? Burt: “The major points of our platformwere social healing and transformation.The number one thing that we had in our platform was making sure that we could improve our education system so that it prepared our young people, and also persons who are not so young, for futures in a globalized economy.We were speaking about ensuring that we had economic diversification and economic em- powerment in our country for a new generation of entrepreneurs; to give them the tools with which they could succeed in the domestic economy, but also the tools to succeed in a global economy. “Also,we spoke about having a better environment for govern- ment -making a modern, 21st century government with good gov- ernance, technology, and focusing on services.We spoke on new initiatives, as well, on making sure that Bermuda could advance its energy infrastructure and making sure that we had clean energy and that we took care of our local environment. “We spoke extensively on issues of energy.We have an aging energy infrastructure, so we have the opportunity to transform our energy infrastructure and move it to a place where we can be en- ergy independent.We have abundant wind, abundant tides, and abundant sun, so we have a lot of the building blocks for renew- able energy, here. But we also have to make sure that we have a steady stream of energy because the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow all the time.” BVM: How did you communicate with the electorate and howwill that communication continue? Burt: Bermuda’s a small enough country that you can get your message out, directly.That’s one of the reasons why we were able to win so many votes–we canvassed very hard,we knocked on doors,we told people about our plans, and we’re going to continue that effort and make sure we inform people. So that means having DAVID BURT – PREMIER OF BERMUDA