Jamaica Stock Exchange Limited
five-year dividend summaries, and year-end high and low stock prices – information designed to assist the investing public to forecast possible market trends. Due care and diligence is used to compile the data, which is also represented with graphs and charts to allow for quick analysis. The JSE provides access of this information for up to five years, free of cost to the public. Jamaica Stock Exchange’s 43rd Annual General Meeting The 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Jamaica Stock Exchange was held on Thursday, July 30, 2020 as a hybrid meeting at the JSE offices, 40 Harbour St. Kingston. Attending in person were seven shareholders, while the other shareholders were invited to join the meeting online. JSE’s Chairman, Mr. Julian Mair, gave his report on the financial performance of the JSE. Mr. Mair acknowledged, “Congratulations are in order to the Government, for staying the COVID-19 restrictions, the platform is ideally suited as a resource for remote learning and data gathering. The Jamaica Stock Exchange has been a source of data collection and representation for over 40 years. This activity is a key aspect of the company’s operations, as shown by the many publications that are produced and circulated each year. A major institution in Jamaica, JSE is proud to be a valuable source of economic data which it compiles every year and presents to the market. Having this information on hand when investment decisions are happening can affect whether the choice is a make it or break it scenario, financially. In that regard, the JSE recognizes the importance of publishing consistently accurate data to allow investors, market analysts, researchers and students to keep abreast of market trends. The Exchange collects a pool of data ranging from five-year trading activities to stock splits,
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