M&M Jamaica Limited

M&M JAMA I CA L IMI TED keep that momentum, it’s much easier to keep the skilled workers here. To develop them and invest in them over time.” M&M Jamaica Ltd plans to prioritize training over the next five years and better equip its workforce for tomorrow. “We’ll continue to develop our pipeline of professionals – our staff, our human resources,” says Mullings. “We’ve always grown by bringing in younger, fresher faces and training them in our system. That’s something we’re eager to keep doing; to grow them professionally, and to involve them more in our company operations.” Because the Government of Jamaica is the largest single client in the construction sector, most of the projects that M&M Jamaica Ltd bids on are publicly tendered ones. “Consultants do bring us private projects from time to time,” Mullings says. “We’re a developing island, so you could argue there’s always something required. Always something new. Recently, we’re