Fides Limited

F ifteen years ago, Fides Limited came onto the Trinidad construction scene with vast amounts of energy, extensive knowledge, and a bold mission to succeed. Back then, in 2007, the focus was primarily on building schools, infrastructural works, restoration, dredging (land and marine), and concrete works. Before long, the firm had earned a fine reputation and expanded its scope by adding restoration of historical sites to its portfolio. One such masterpiece was located in Trinidad’s capital city, Port of Spain, where Fides Limited played a vital role in restoration of the country’s first Catholic Church (circa 1781). The company was then retained by the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT) to engage in restoration works of Whitehall, Mille Fleurs and Stollmeyer’s Castle, all of which are historical landmarks forming part of the Magnificent Seven. On September 24th, 2021, the company gained even more ground, when the Ministry of Local Government in Guyana signed a $780 million contract with AT A GLANCE FIDES LIMITED WHAT: A construction company specializing in building restoration WHERE: Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago WEBSITE: FIDES L I M I T E D G I V I N G N E W L I F E T O T H E P A S T