Steel-Framed Engineered Solutions Ltd.

have a dull day, you never do the same thing. Every day comes with exciting adventures.” With a very open door policy, no one who works for Steel-Framed has an office. The entire operation exists in a big open space. The company also invests a lot of time and money in training, offering virtual learning opportunities during the pandemic when the facility was shut down for three months. During this time no employees were let go, and the design team was able to complete jobs that had been brought in prior to the shut down. When it comes to technology enhancements, Steel-Framed Engineered Solutions is always moving forward. “We pull the trigger,” says Scott. “We’re thinking it and then we’re doing it. Our setup is very people oriented, from 1960s production to Amazon today is really where we’re trying to go right now. The ultimate thing is to enhance our customer experience, and that is where we start and finish in our drive for technology.” As a division of AP Scott Ltd., there has been a big investment to be fully back-end integrated. Scott notes, “Our software that we use now is CAM. We are a fully automated process already, but that’s the design part. With the raw materials, we are implementing a manufacturing module, and we are going to be completely back-end integrated in all aspects, our business is going to be digitized and automated, we are going to use very little paper.” With this automation, Steel- Framed does not intend to reduce employees, but instead to enhance the customer experience, making things more efficient on all sides. The company also provides an eco-friendly product, using steel that is 60% recycled and creating very little waste. Steel-Framed Engineering Solutions has been working with customers virtually throughout the pandemic. As restrictions ease, Scott shares that the company intends to start reaching out