Steel-Framed Engineered Solutions Ltd.

STEEL -FRAMED ENGINEERED SOLUT IONS LTD . With a variety of product offerings, Steel-Framed showcases the capabilities of their products in model homes and in an onsite showroom. The company will work with custom designs, or customers are invited to look through a library of design options, saving the cost of hiring an architect. Although steel-framed buildings are more costly, Scott states, “It ultimately works out to be a cost savings. We are at least 60% quicker than traditional building because of precision. Everything is lined up. It is engineered to have specific connection details for hurricanes and earthquakes. When you have traditional building, you have to cut into the walls for plumbing and to their large network in person, both locally and on the other islands, over the next few months. The company’s potential customers range from investors and developers to hardware contractors and end users. Steel- Framed is also part of trade organizations such as the Cold Form Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) and the American Steel Standard, which allows Steel-Framed employees to take part in training opportunities and other benefits. As for marketing, Scott reports, “We are on Facebook and Instagram; we get 99% of our business from digital marketing from social media.” There are also plans to launch an ecommerce website in the near future.