Maxine A. Fagan, the BSJ’s Communication and Customer Service Manager describes a major outreach event in Ocho Rios that brought together a range of tourism players, from independent operators to representatives from the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo).“The audience was a very diverse group of hoteliers, small and large players in the industry,” Fagan recalls. During this event, the BSJ introduced stakeholders to relevant standards and showcased its client services program, emphasizing practical tools that businesses could adopt to improve quality and safety. Fagan notes that the event’s success was reflected in follow-up actions: one of the participants joined BSJ’s National Quality Awards program, an initiative recognizing organizations that excel in implementing quality standards. A NEW IDENTITY Looking to the future, the BSJ is undergoing a significant transformation, aiming to reshape its public image and refine its role. One of the agency’s top priorities is to complete the separation of its regulatory functions from its standards and facilitation work, an effort that began with the creation of the National Compliance and Regulatory Authority (NCRA). “We want to rid ourselves of the image of being an inspector or monitor,” Dr. Gooden explains, acknowledging that while regulation remains essential, the BSJ’s primary mission is now to support growth and competitiveness in Jamaican industry. The NCRA Act, which was passed in June 2023, formalized this split, but the transition process is ongoing. This shift in focus has led to a refreshed marketing strategy emphasizing the BSJ’s role as a facilitator rather than an enforcer. One key initiative is the “Lab to Market” campaign, which showcases the BSJ’s services and encourages businesses to utilize its testing and certification programs. “We’re running prime-time ads on both TVJ and CVM,” Dr. Gooden shares, describing the agency’s efforts to reach a wider audience. Another initiative, “Quality Talks,” provides an educational platform for industry stakeholders to learn about best practices and standards. Through these campaigns, the BSJ is rebranding itself as a supportive institution dedicated to enhancing 8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 11