into a groundbreaking development representing a significant step forward for the Oran family and Barbados. “The project wasn’t something we initially planned,” Oran admits.“Back in 2010, we were just looking for an acre of land for our hardware store, Do It Best.” But amid that search, an opportunity presented itself. “We were told about eight acres that had been slated for a private hospital but were now available for sale.” The unexpected find led Oran and his team to reimagine their goals.“We recognized that some of the larger businesses in Barbados were interested in having big footprints in the area, so we decided to take the plunge.” After years of planning, they designed a bigbox development comprising seven buildings in conjunction with architects. The project’s design has been driven by the needs of the tenants, many of whom Oran’s team worked closely with from the outset.“We knew a lot about the tenant profiles we were catering to,” he explains,“so the buildings have been designed with their specific needs in mind.” A key differentiator for this development is its substantial healthcare component. Of the 270,000 square feet, nearly half—approximately 130,000 square feet—will be dedicated to healthcare facilities.“We’re starting with an urgent care center already under construction,” Oran explains, “and we expect to add a tertiary care facility, which will be the last two buildings, set to begin later this year.” With a completion date targeted for January 2026, the healthcare facilities will address a critical gap on the island. Sheraton Mall food court featuring international and local cuisines from over 15 restaurants 8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 11