Business View Caribbean
sociated with concrete roofs. In addition, they are fire
resistant and, when expertly installed, can withstand
the force of hurricane winds and rain.
ARC’s main office, manufacturing, and distribution fa-
cilities occupy an 18-acre site in Kingston’s industrial
belt. The company owns and operates five manufac-
turing plants (Nail, Roofing, Wire, Fabric Mesh, and
Lumber Treatment) as well as a 300,000 square-foot
warehouse, elsewhere in the city. Sales offices, anoth-
er warehouse, and a distribution hub are located in
Montego Bay. The company gets its raw materials from
myriad countries, including China, Turkey, Brazil, Hon-
duras, Belgium, Sweden, India, the Philippines, Egypt,
and Trinidad, among others. From the United States, it
gets its lumber-treating chemicals and more cement.
While most of ARC’s customers are local, it does sup-
ply some business customers throughout the Carib-