Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited

Business View Caribbean 11 bank on the island. We are also continuing to roll out fiber; we have the largest fiber network in Trinidad and Tobago.” As TSTT continues to innovate and expand, Walcott has a vision for the future of his company in a coun- try where current broadband penetration is still less than 50 percent. “I want to be able to provide broad- band service for everybody in Trinidad and Tobago – that’s my vision. I would like that every single household in the country has a broadband connection and is actively us- ing it - broadband access for all that’s affordable. Because then, we can layer on top of that a whole new suite of powerful services that do not exist, today, and move away from the traditional voice and messaging services that are on the decline, globally.” In pursuit of that vision, Walcott asserts that the government also considers both expand- ing IT infrastructure and providing broadband for all, important goals. “It’s a key pillar that the government has,” he says. In addition to being the is- land’s only telecom company providing a full suite of com- munication products and services, Walcott says, “We are also an organization that takes our corporate, social responsibility very, very seri- ously, as we invest significantly in giving back to Trini- dad and Tobago; it’s one of the things that we are very proud of.” TSTT staff volunteers at many local charities and community events, and the company often do- nates computers and other equipment to various orga- nizations. One of the recent programs of TSTT’s Blink/ Bmobile Foundation made it possible for 70 island youngsters, ranging from 3-15 years, to attend “Camp