Business View Caribbean
categories that we were representing. So, we’re getting
into the alcohol category, which we never have been
in. We’re also getting into pharmaceutical distribution
– we’ve got everything in place for that. We see our-
selves getting stronger in all the different categories.”
Divico is also planning to move into the retail super-
market business, and hopes to open 10 to 15 outlets
throughout the Caribbean over the next several years.
“We already purchased our own supermarket on the
island of Saba,” Khatnani says. “We haven’t yet start-
ed supermarkets on our own island because it’s com-
pletely different from running a distribution company.
Of course there are a lot of synergies: accounting, hu-
man resources, etc., etc. The pricing model will still be
the same. However, we will be able to get more shelf
space because our brands would take preference over
other brands.”
Meanwhile, Khatnani says that his company will con-
tinue to serve its current clients, especially those
smaller businesses that can best benefit from Divico’s
competitive prices. “Because of our purchasing pow-
er, we’re able to help smaller businesses,” he avers.
“The larger businesses can always purchase direct, or
purchase container loads, but the smaller businesses
don’t have access to that.” Of course, new clients are
always welcome, as well. “If you want to do business
in St. Maarten, you should definitely look us up and
see how we can help you,” he adds. “And for a poten-
tial customer out there in the Caribbean, there are no
taxes shipping out, so there is definitely a large oppor-
tunity there!”