Roadtown Wholesale Trading Ltd. - page 6

Business View Caribbean
personnel in areas such as Customer Service, Cat-
egory Management, and Supervisory Training. Some
employees have even received full scholarships for
their continuing education. In addition to a pension
program, according to Potter, the company also allows
its workers to become company owners. “Employees
who work over ten years have the option of purchasing
shares in the company,” he says.
Potter reveals that company founder, Haycraft, is now
84 years old and looking forward to retiring. “So he
would love to sell his shares, which is a possibility that
might happen,” he says. In fact, this past May, Hay-
craft issued the following press release: “I have de-
voted over fifty years of my life to RTW, starting from
nothing and building the company into what you see
today. I now wish to retire from day-to-day responsi-
bility for the business, and to spend some more time
enjoying my garden and watching cricket.”
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