East Caribbean Group of Companies

THE EAST CAR I BBEAN GROUP OF COMPANI ES Wills Agencies Limited Granby Street, P.O. Box 879 Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines 784-457-2100 | wills@vincysurf.com www.willsagencies.com SHIPS AGENT • CUSTOMS BROKERS • PACKING & FORWARDING Recently branded haulage truck pulling container to port FLAVOURING CONCENTRATES FOR FOOD & BEVERAGE As a proud business partner of ECGC’s bottling plant for over 60 years, Stuart Brothers would like to congratulate ECGC on their thorough adherence to best practices in building their brands and adding value to their local and regional customers. In this regard, Stuart Brothers will continue to provide ECGC with the best, cutting edge formulations and flavours using only the finest materials, to provide winning beverage offerings to the market, in all categories. www.stuartbrothersltd.com 196 WESTERN MAIN RD, COCORITE, PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD, W.I. | (868) 622-2070