East Caribbean Group of Companies

THE EAST CAR I BBEAN GROUP OF COMPANI ES a five-to-ten-year plan in progress that includes new facilities,” says Elvis DeRiggs, Chief Executive Officer at the ECGC. “At the moment, we’re looking at alternative energies and improving our current facilities with efficiency upgrades.” The company has earned a reputation in the OECS, not only as a “Producer of Choice” for the manufacturing and processing sectors, but as an “Employer of Choice” that gives importance to the overall development and well-being of its workers. “We have staff with us here that helped build this factory 42 years ago!” says Haslam. “People come and they tend not to leave because they’re treated very well. The company has, over the years, invested very heavily in its staff, recognizing that the success of the company is as a result of all the hard work put in.” Since 1999, ECGC offers financial assistance to the children of its employees, granting full scholarships and book allowances to those who have passed their Common Entrance/CPEA exams. “We don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk,” Haslam continues. “You Website www.hylinett.com Tel: 1 (868) 67-LABEL 1 (868) 675-8581 Fax:1 (868) 674-0073 Sadhoo Trace, El Socorro, Trinidad, W.I. Tel: 1 (876) 622-7132 1 (876) 622-7147 8 Norman Road Kingston CSO, Jamaica · TRINIDAD · JAMAICA UNITED STATES Kathryn Preister 763-389-2615 CANADA Jerry Klassen 204-926-8835 SWITZERLAND Pierre Akribas +41 21 796 2215 W W W . G A P - S A . C H P R O U D S U P P O R T E R O F E A S T C A R I B B E A N F L O U R M I L L S