East Caribbean Group of Companies

see it in everything that we do, from production to exports through to servicing the local market. It’s all very much a collaborative effort as a team!” Their motto has always been “Excellence through teamwork!” The ECGC arguably delivers an even greater social impact through its community support, working to build the islands that make up the OECS into more vibrant, resilient, and prosperous places. “Something that the company has prided itself on, over the years, has been our involvement with the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and with the other islands we serve,” says Haslam. “We take our corporate responsibility very seriously. Over the decades, we would have donated millions of dollars in cash and in-kind to a very wide cross- section of the community. We’ve built tennis Quality Assurance pictured below Back Row: Elvis DeRiggs (Chief Executive Officer), Emmanuel Daize (Financial Controller), Paul Velox (Operations Manager), Kingsley Dyer (Production Manager) Front Row: Phyllis James (Human Resources Manager), Rachel Haslam (Marketing Manager), Lanel Black (QA Manager) Management Team