
opportunities to the table on a daily basis. That is the real revenue driver. Before COVID, company reps did a great deal of networking at trade shows and conventions. However, as Epstein relates, “What I certainly picked up in more recent times because of COVID is actually sitting on virtual panels because no one can go to these shows anymore. Putting ourselves out there to speak on a panel about our experiences is another avenue we use these days to get the brand and the company out there.” Relationship building is a key tenet at itelbpo and Epstein wants to mention one particularly valuable long-term client: “John Billings at Hilton Hotels has been a great partner for us. They were one of our marquee clients in the early stages that took a chance with us, and he himself took at chance with us by working with a smaller vendor. So, I most certainly feel that he deserves a shout-out for helping take itelbpo to the main stage.” The itelbpo culture is bound by four ‘Y’s – Quality, Integrity, Reliability, and Family. In that regard, and to become a good community partner, the company launched the 4Ys Foundation, which focuses on initiatives in education, the environment, innovation, and sports. Epstein acknowledges, “Given that we operate in a lot of developing countries, education has always been an area that needs attention. If we can play a part in the early childhood stage to help build and develop the next generation, then we feel that’s a big win. We’ve also spent time working with child development agencies in the Caribbean, helping orphans who are underprivileged and need a level of support to stand out in their communities. That’s a big part of our outreach. “Also innovation: where technology is going today is where the world is heading. The more we can teach our children to innovate and be entrepreneurs (maybe software developers or engineers) the better we can prepare them for the future. We want to help them along that path because we feel that they have talent that www.sanitaryremoval .com 30 Herb Mckenley Drive, Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. 1-876-927-4515 Safe and Affordable Sanitary Waste Disposal We are completely committed to the protection of our customers and the environment and feel strongly about our responsibility to protect.