The Venegas Construction Corporation

protocols, to go about our business,” Venegas shares. “We have a very elaborate safety protocol for COVID, and so far, no employee or visitor has contracted the virus in our work locations. We implemented many checkpoints and procedures to prevent anybody who potentially has a virus to enter our locations.” The innovation that Venegas employs is a software program that the company uses to screen potential carriers of the coronavirus. “We collaborated with software developers and employed custom software to manage disaster response missions,” Venegas says. “Similar technology has helped us with our COVID plan. We have an online portal that anybody that either works for us or enters our workplaces can access. Remote electronic screening determines whether you are allowed entry and what other symptom tests you are going to encounter at the entry checkpoint. All our screening data is handled automatically with database systems developed specifically for COVID.” entity - Venegas Disaster Response. The idea is to transfer all of the expertise and past performance from Venegas Construction to Venegas Disaster Response, so that Venegas Construction can continue being the General Contractor that it has always been, and Venegas Disaster Response can go about being an international disaster response provider. We realized there is a considerable difference between the two and it makes a lot of business sense to have a separate entity to specialize in disaster response, while Venegas Construction continues to perform the traditional construction projects we’ve always done.” As if hurricanes and earthquakes weren’t enough to deal with, Venegas Construction has also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But, once again the company has responded to the challenge with innovation and a keen sense of caring for its employees and clients. “Puerto Rico went to a complete lockdown from March 15th to May 11th, when we were allowed, with safety THE VENEGAS CONSTRUCT ION CORPORAT ION