Argyle International Airport

up on the roof and shovel by shovel and bucket by bucket removed the ash. That was repeated throughout the property. It was a tremendous example of what you can achieve when you work together as a team.” BVC: Going forward, what would you like the airport to achieve? Robertson: “I would like to see an expansion of retail and commercial businesses so our passengers have a wider variety to choose from. We are also having discussions with a company to establish a Fixed Base Operation in a new hangar here. That is something we’ve been dreaming about. As a company, we’d like to expand the airport in Bequia, and also do more work in Canouan and Union Island. Because we want to strengthen the links between those islands and Argyle and make those facilities more attractive to our upmarket clients, so we can create a better product for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.” PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n National Properties Limited