Resin Converters - page 3

Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2015 59
ing industry. When that effort proved unsuccessful, he
started his own operation. He knew something about
plastic bottle manufacturing because of his previous
job with a chlorine manufacturing company that used
plastic bottles as packaging for its bleach. “The mas-
ter plan,” he says, “was to become the best in the field,
to produce quality products in a cost-effective manner,
and at the same time, learn more about the plastics in-
dustry to be able to get involved in plastics recycling.”
And that is the gist of Quesnel’s dilemma. At the same
time that Resin Converters is providing technological-
ly-advanced plastic packaging solutions, and is one of
the largest plastic container manufacturers of blow
molded HDPE (high-density polyethylene) products
on the island, its owner’s “hidden agenda” is trying to
figure out how to address the reduction of high pro-
portions of virgin resin in new bottle production, while
increasing the use of recycled waste material.
The conundrum is daunting. Quesnel explains: “Recy-
cling, bottle to bottle (B2B) is very, very costly – and
it cannot replace 100 percent of the bottles that are
made. You can only use a certain percentage of recy-
cled material. Even if someone became a perfect recy-
Resin Converters Limited
Manufacturer of plastic packaging prod-
ucts for the chemical, food, personal care, and
pharmaceutical industries.
Caroni, Trinidad
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