Argyle International Airport

A rgyle International Airport is a new- ly-constructed airport in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, complet- ed in 2017, in response to the growing airport traffic needs that E.T. Joshua Airport could not accommodate. It is one of the country’s most important infrastructure assets and its first truly international airport. The new Argyle Airport was built to handle 1.2 million passengers per year, more than four times the capacity at E.T. Joshua, increasing the accessibility to this multi-is- land destination and serving as a key economic driver for the country. The Airport was financed by government grants and by donations and loans from sev- eral other countries, including: ARGYLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT GOODS AND PASSENGERS ARGYLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT A GLANCE ARGYLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHAT: A newly-constructed airport in St. Vincent and the Grenadines WHERE: Kingstown VC0100, St. Vincent & Grenadines WEBSITE: