A.C. Shillingford Co. Ltd.

A . C . SHI LL INGFORD CO. LTD . (DOMINI CA) “Today, most of the people on the island are back and the businesses, by and large, are up and running. Those homeowners who were insured got their monies and started repairing, but obviously we did not have enough labor to do that. Some people came from other islands (St. Lucia, Jamaica, etc.) looking for work; carpenters, and masons, and so on. Much of the work has been done, but a lot of the houses that were underinsured are still not repaired. And some major hotels haven’t been touched. Since the hurricane, we have built a guesthouse at our store in the north. We took some of the insurance money we got from the property and reorganized the business. Downstairs is the supermarket and upstairs is an eight-room guesthouse. So, now I’m in the tourism/hospitality business, as well. You see, the hotels and a lot of the guesthouses took a pounding, and all the relief workers who came to Dominica right after the hurricane had nowhere to stay. There was a demand for rooms and that’s why we set up the guesthouse and did quite good. In fact, I have bought the property next door with the intention 1000 Parkwood Circle, Suite 335, Atlanta, GA 30339 770 952 4187 | www.gerberatl.com For more than 30 years, Gerber Agri International has been a trusted provider of global agricultural exports to companies worldwide. of constructing more rooms, at some point, because it could be a very profitable venture.” A. C. Shillingford has developed some long and valuable relationships. Of particular note: King Ocean from Florida. Soon after the hurricane, they began supplying Dominica regularly with goods and continue, today. As their agents in Dominica, A. C. Shillingford & Co. have done well with them. As it has as agents of New India Assurance Co. (T&T) Ltd. in Dominica. Customers like the way they are treated by both companies. Timothy adds, “Our petrol station – Rubis – is also important to our company. We were the first station to open in Dominica after the storm and they really worked with us. During the post-hurricane supply periods, when there was a curfew, I used to take my vehicle and escort them through the roadblocks, because everybody knows me and the police respect me and I had no difficulty getting through.” Looking to the future, Timothy would like to