Kaizen Environmental Services (Trinidad) Limited
analytical laboratory. As it grew, KESTL acquired an additional 10,000 square foot of covered warehousing property. Today, the Waste Services Division operates a comprehensive industrial and oilfield waste treatment facility at the LABIDCO estate in La Brea. Marine logistics operations take place from a satellite office in Chaguaramas. The company’s core business is to provide effective solutions to environmental problems across all industries – not only to meet compliance, OSHA, and environmental regulations but to ensure that organizations meet their environmental management goals and responsibility to protecting and preserving the environment. This is accomplished through KESTL’s four operating divisions: Analytical Services, Project Services, Waste Services, and Enviro Products, and its subsidiary company, Wasteco. Kaizen Analytical Services offers state-of-the- art analytics. KaizenLab is a well-established Environmental testing laboratory with extended expertise in organic, inorganic, and microbiological analysis. With a strong team of professionals as the cornerstone of the company, KaizenLab Trinidad with the support of parent lab KaizenLab Calgary is now taking on the challenge of working within the international market. Kaizen Project Services Division (PSD) provides solution-based projects to assess, mitigate, and treat contamination in air quality, oil spills, and chemical spills with environmental assessments, site remediation, and reclamation meeting clients’ environmental performance targets. PSD is divided into sections: Measurements, Spill Response, Assessment and Remediation. The Measurements Section provides a full range of monitoring services such as, indoor air quality monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring, stack emission testing, noise monitoring, radiation KA I ZEN ENV I RONMENTAL SERV I CES ( TR INIDAD) L IMI TED
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