Kaizen Environmental Services (Trinidad) Limited

KA I ZEN ENV I RONMENTAL SERV I CES ( TR INIDAD) L IMI TED KESTL resulting in quick service with less break down time. Wasteco (Caribbean) Limited is a fully independent subsidiary of Kaizen Environmental Services (Trinidad) Limited. Wasteco works in conjunction with Kaizen’s Waste Services Division and has an extensive fleet of well- equipped vehicles that aid in providing timely waste collection services in accordance with the needs of clients. Wasteco transports hazardous and non- hazardous waste, medical waste, and recycled waste through its fleet of vacuum tankers, tractor trucks, dump trucks, crane trucks, flatbed trucks, trailers, and panel vans. The vacuum services fleet of 65 barrel tankers, 90 barrel tankers, 130 barrel tankers, and 150 barrel tankers can pump out liquid (waste water), sludge, and solid waste and ensure safe transport and disposal. Wasteco personnel are well trained to fabricate tanks, bins, and specialty equipment according to clients’ needs and specifications. They also modify and repair tanks and disintegrate/discard obsolete tanks. Rental of open top bins, cutting boxes, waste bins, and warehouse space is also available. Managed by KESTL, the LABIDCO Waste Treatment Facility provides the most comprehensive industrial and oilfield waste disposal services in Trinidad & Tobago. The facility is engineered to take advantage of the naturally occurring bituminous layer and gradient of the site which optimizes drainage. The core principles and design of the waste treatment facility was adapted from the Alberta Guidelines. The application of technology in today’s laboratory is required to achieve timely progress and remain competitive. KaizenLab Calgary has made steps toward a further automated