Kaizen Environmental Services (Trinidad) Limited
KA I ZEN ENV I RONMENTAL SERV I CES ( TR INIDAD) L IMI TED in regional and global markets. KESTL’s waste treatment facility operates the largest Bioremediation facility in the region; comprised of 17 Bioremediation cells with a collective capacity of approximately 2,500 m3. Bioremediation is the most cost effective of all disposal methods and relies on microorganisms for the disposal of waste material. The microorganisms utilize the hazardous waste streams as their food source and convert or degrade it into nonhazardous forms. The degradation process is monitored using analytical profiling. As part of a green initiative within the company, the Project Services Division was tasked in recycling and utilizing waste products at the La Brea Waste Treatment Facility to develop retaining structures to stabilize slopes within the compound. In this project, solidified resin, recycled IBC Totes and backfill material obtained
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